Wild at Heart was a captivating collaboration between Oasis and renowned florist Nicky Tibbles, bringing a touch of summer magic to each Oasis store across the UK. The concept behind this innovative project was to showcase the launch of a stunning floral dress, symbolizing the harmonious blend of fashion and nature. The intricate paper flowers, meticulously designed with five delicate layers of white paper, were skillfully crafted into enchanting 3D shapes. These ethereal blooms adorned a conveyor belt, gracefully sprayed in a mesmerizing gradient from soft pastel pink to deep, luxurious purple.
As the paper petals swirled and danced along the conveyor belt, mannequins elegantly showcased replica dresses that were meticulously printed and tailored to perfection. Each dress told a unique story, embodying different stages of the printing process and highlighting the artistry and craftsmanship behind this exquisite collaboration. Wild at Heart truly brought a touch of whimsy and wonder to the world of fashion.
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