Selfridges - Wonder Room

1 min read
Apr 28, 2024

The process of creating this wondrous spectacle was truly exhilarating. The attention to detail during pre-production was meticulous as we carefully planned the intricate design of the organic weave that enveloped the central atrium in the luxurious watch hall of Selfridges Wonderroom. Each set of tails was ingeniously powered by lighting boxes strategically positioned above on specially designed metalwork, adding a touch of elegance to the overall display. The shattered glass appearance of the tails provided a subtle yet captivating irregularity, casting a gentle organic twinkle along the entire 10-meter length of each tail. It was a labor of love as a total of 15,000 meters of material was expertly woven into place over the course of three nights by a dedicated team of four individuals, each contributing their unique skills to bring this vision to life.

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